Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blocks away!

Well, I finished the cake for my work.  I started baking Wednesday night and finished Thursday morning.  I was able to finish the whole cake by 1pm on Thursday.  This was the first time I have ever crumb coated.  What that means is I put a thin layer of frosting down to get all the crumbs.  Then after a half hour went back and put a top coat of frosting.  That way I didn't have to worry about crumbs showing. It turned out real well.  I did that because I was not able to get the cake in the fridge to cool down before frosting like I normally do.  Too big.  I also could not get the cake in my backseat either due to being too big.  I had to put it in my trunk which had me on edge.  I like to be able to look at my cake if needed.  The whole morning was an anxiety attack for me!  I was sooo nervous.  These are the people I see everyday.  I had to get it right or I would feel horrible.  Needless to say, I was shaking putting the blocks on.  I think it turned out real well.  Everyone seemed to like it and thought it tasted better than the sheet cakes they had made :)

And so you can get an idea how big it was, here is one with me standing by it.

I am very glad to have that done and over with.  I have a cake due in June and then a wedding cake to do the beginning of July.  I think after doing this cake, that one will be a breeze :)

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

1st Birthday

This week I made a cake for my nephew Jake's first birthday.  My sister was doing the Sesame Street theme.  I made a cake with Elmo, Big Bird and Cookie Monster.  I made the feathers out of fondant.  The beak is made out of rice krispie treats with fondant covering it.
Jake seemed to really like the cake. He was all smiles and at one point went face first into the cake, didn't bother using hands.  It was adorable!

This week I have a cake due for my work.  H.R. approached me for a cake for a company event.  I am honored that they asked, but can not produce the size that they wanted.  They wanted it to feed 300 people.  Living in an apartment and baking that much is impossible. I will just make the display cake and they will get sheet cakes for everyone.  I started it today and have to buy more fondant to finish the blocks tomorrow.  I am super nervous for this cake.  The whole building will see it.  Talk about pressure!

I will let you know how it goes.  Until then, have a great week!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Birthday wishes

This week I had a birthday cake to do for a girl at my work.  Her girlfriend was turning 28.  We decided on the stars idea.  She likes purple so that is the color we went with.  She wanted a yellow cake with chocolate frosting.  I only have one recipe for chocolate frosting and I am not all that impressed with it.  Paul's aunt Suzanne used to own her own catering business. She now does cooking classes in Stillwater and has been on Kare 11 during the 11 hour for cooking also.  I dropped her a email asking for help.  She shared with me her recipe and I was delighted!  I made it and fell in love with the taste.  It is nice and creamy.  It will now be my go to recipe.  I used fondant for the stars. 

Today I started making a smash cake for my nephew/godson Jacob.  He is one today!!  Happy Happy Birthday to him :)  My sister is having his 1st birthday photo shoot this Tuesday, so I am making him a smash cake for that.  It will be blue.  I will also be making his 1st birthday cake for the party we are having for him this coming Friday night.  I am super excited to make that one!  I think it will be great. 

On a side note, I had my starter show for lia sophia last night.  It went very well!  I was nervous last week about not having enough orders and not meeting $600 in sales to get the good discount for me.  I went beyond both in sales and orders and am very grateful for everyone who helped me reach that goal.  I was able to buy 16 more pieces of jewelry for a low price of $158!!  Talk about a great hostess program!  I will now have a decent showcase to share at my future parties.  I have two bookings already for May and am super excited.  I am hoping to maybe get a couple more before the month is out.  I am surprised at myself with how well I am trying and putting an effort into this.  I have had so many people tell me No or don't even resopnd to my email.  But I am still moving along hoping for the Yes.  I will keep you all updated on that progress and how my business is going.  If you would like to learn how you too can earn that much in jewelry for that little cost, let me know and we can discuss hosting a show.

I hope you all have a great week and don't forget to check in next week to see the 1st birthday cakes for Lil Jake!